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do groups organize themselves? |
are dark ones? |
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are children? |
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isn't this confusing? how do you keep track? |
do groups organize themselves? |
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Some groups govern themselves as families or households, while others have recognizable democracies, republics, feudal systems, etc. They may have very complex political systems. Some systems are extremely lawless; the strongest dominate over the rest. Often, especially in large groups, there are people who keep an eye out for the entire population; sometimes they're called guardians, or clan leaders.
Multiple systems really do organize themselves very much like any other way that people organize themselves anywhere, for the very good reason that they are people. There may be specialists like craftsmen, and intra-system communicators, and recognizable leaders, and rungs of authority... or not. Sometimes groups organize themselves in patterns directly adapted
from or resembling governments like those in the everyday world. Sometimes they combine elements of different forms of government, use a business structure, or create and live by their own laws.
"Dark ones" or "darks" is used so loosely and nebulously, there are all sorts of meanings for it. It is a slippery term, almost a weasel word, and does not mean the same thing to all
systems. They might be angry people who want to let off steam. They could be people who follow religions -- earthworld or homeworld ones -- that the main frontrunners don't approve of or understand. For some, dark ones are those who generally don't have the best of outlooks or intentions, and who may cause problems, do real damage, or just not follow the general rules. Other times, dark ones are just mysterious, shadowy types. They need not be hostile or present a threat, but as always, nothing can be assumed.
There are dark ones who enjoy bringing disturbances to a system, while others keep particular knowledges or skills to themselves, and just don't feel like being a part of the whole group. We have even heard "darks" applied to in-house gadflies, the type who have something to say and aren't afraid to say it. Some who style themselves "dark ones" are protective or helpful types in fearsome guises (vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc.) Ask if you're not sure.
Young persons in a multiple group may prefer to be called children, kids, littles, young people, youngers or smalls. Ask.
There is no requisite for a certain amount of children in a plural system. The existence of young people in a system does not necessarily indicate that there was childhood abuse of any particular kind. The number of young people does not necessarily indicate how early in life the abuse, if any, started. Origins do not matter nearly as much as experience. If someone in a group experiences and expresses himself as a child, then he is one. It isn't uncommon to find people in a system who are very young, but who can operate in some matters at the level of an adult, because they are able to access adult knowlege from others in the system.
Some groups especially treasure and protect the younger ones, and some just treat them as equals with all the rest.
isn't this confusing? how do you keep track? |
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Plurals don't find this confusing because we live it. It's as natural to us as
being a single person is to you.
Generally speaking, it is not necessary to keep track of everyone in the system or
even to know who everyone is. It usually suffices to keep track of the frontrunners,
those who take the body and use it in everyday life.