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A Note to Soulbonders

By Jason and Helena of the Hondas

The term "median" may be useful to the soulbonder who feels that his soulbonds are separate consciousnesses that share his body with him, while he himself remains the central controlling force. Many people report that they took up the "soulbonding" label because it best seemed to fit at the time, but later discovered that their soulbonds were able to obtain bodily control. Or they may have been aware of this all along, and used it to better become acquainted with those who shared their body with them.

We respect the rich history of the soulbonding community, and of the word itself. We in no way intend to denigrate its principles, or those who adhere to them. Instead, we want to bridge the gap between those soulbonders who believe that their soulbonds may be independent of them, and the old notions of multiplicity. Our threefold view, and the concept of "fires," we wish to set an example to all people of how to understand another's point of view, by stressing what all have in common.

We also realize that not all soulbonders fall into either the median or plural category. Those who are the only consciousness in their body, and who empathize with or share a special intimacy with their characters, are by no means asked to force themselves into a label that does not fit them. Nevertheless, they are still more than welcome to join our efforts, for singlets are just as important as anyone else.

We extend an invitation to all within the soulbonding community to join our efforts toward a brighter future. Whether you believe your soulbonds to be separate entities from yourself or not, whether you believe that you are described by "median," "singlet," or "plural," there will always be a place for you here.

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